I won a haunted doll

I won a haunted doll playing a game at the carnival. A lot of strange things have happened, and I'm really scared. Can you help me?

by Amber W

Hi. My name is Amber. I posted this story on Reddit's "Nosleep" using my big sister's account since I don't have my own. Her name is Sharleen but everyone calls her Lynn for short. She and I love ghost stories and we often read "Nosleep" together. She has also posted a few stories herself. I know sometimes people give advice there. That’s why I decided to post because something scary was happening and I didn’t know what to do.

Mom and dad don’t believe me. They tell me I’m a silly girl whose been reading too many horror stories. Well, I recently read a book about haunted dolls which was really creppy, so I don't know if this was just a coincidence. Anyway, Lynn was at summer camp so she couldn’t post my story for me. But she is really nice and we get along well, so I knew she wouldn’t get mad at me or anything for using her account.

Ok so there is a carnival that visits our little town every summer, and we kids always look forward to it since we often get bored after school is out. I went to visit the carnival with my best friend Amy, her older sister, and her mom a few days ago. I played a game and won a prize. I got to choose the prize between a toy truck, a teddy bear, and a mystery prize. Since I don’t play with toy trucks and I already have lots of teddy bears, I went for the mystery prize. It was in a medium size box a little larger than an adult shoe box.

I opened it when I got home, and there was a doll inside the box. There was also a card with printed words on it that said “This is Gertrude. She is a haunted doll. She can talk and move. If you love her she will love you back.” The word “haunted” scared me a little, but the doll itself doesn’t look creepy like Annabelle or Chucky or other evil dolls in horror movies. In fact she looks kinda pretty.

I found a little button on her back and when I pushed it the doll said “Hi there!” I pushed it again and she said “How are you my friend?” I pushed it the third time and she said “Hey do you wanna play?” I thought it was kinda neat, but I couldn’t figure out how to get her to move.

I showed the doll to mom and dad, and they thought it was cool that I won a prize. My parents don’t believe in the super natural.  Mom said calling her a haunted doll was probably just a gimmick they used so the winning kid would be happy thinking they had won something special. I just said ok and forgot about it. I put the doll in the living room on the fireplace mantel.

Later in the evening I went grocery shopping with mom, and when I got home I was surprised to see the doll was no longer on the fireplace mantel. I asked mom if she had moved her, and she said no. I then asked dad and my brother, and they both also said no. I looked all over the living room but couldn’t find her.

I then went into my room and was really surprised to find Gertrude sitting on the pillow on my bed right next to Jesse my stuffed dog. Jesse was given by my grandpa to mom when she was a little girl, and she gave him to me like a couple years ago. Now he’s my favorite stuffed animal.

I ran out to mom and told her, but she just chuckled and said I probably put her there earlier and forgot. I told her I did not, but she told me not to be silly. I was a little creeped out cos apparently the haunted doll could move by herself. So I brought her back out and placed her on the mantel again.

Later after dinner I looked towards the fireplace and again, Gertrude wasn’t there. But this time I had a pretty good idea where she might be. So I walked into my room and there she was. Sitting on my pillow again. I thought since she liked it there, I should just leave her.

That night while I was sleeping I heard a little voice saying “Bad dog! Bad dog!” Then I heard a thump. I thought I was dreaming, so I just continued to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning I saw Jesse lying on the floor. I picked him up and saw there was a small tear on his tummy. I was really confused. Then I remembered what I heard during the night. I looked at Gertrude, and she was sitting on the pillow as if she hadn’t moved. But I had a wierd feeling.

I brought Jesse to mom and showed her what had happened to his tummy. She told me not to worry, since Jesse was an old dog, and she would sew him up later. I had a bad feeling that Gertrude was the one who did it, but I didn’t dare say it to mom cos I knew she would just scold me.

I didn’t like the doll anymore, and I didn’t want her in my bed. I was afraid she might hurt me like she did Jesse. So I put her back in the box she came in, closed the lid and tied a thick rubber band around it. Then I put the box under my bed.

I went out to play with my friends most of the day. When I came home and went to my room I almost had a heart attack. Gertrude was back sitting on my pillow. I looked under the bed. The box was open, and the rubber band was broken. Now I really understood why they called her a haunted doll. This time I couldn’t contain it anymore.

I ran to my parents and told them everything. But they didn’t believe me. Mom scolded me telling me I should stop making stuff up. Dad said I probably had been reading too many ghost stories. I told them I was telling the truth but they got madder and told me to stop it already. I went to my room and cried.

I was afraid and sad, but I left the doll where she was cos I had a funny feeling no matter where I would put her, she would be back in the same place. Her favorite place. That night I had a hard time sleeping cos I was scared. I finally dozed off. Then I heard it again. The exact same voce I heard the night before.

But this time it said, “Bad girl! Bad girl! Don’t you ever fuck with me again!” I jumped out of bed afraid that Gertrude would do something to me. But she just sat there quietly. Sorry about the bad word. I was just repeating what I heard. I don’t usually cuss cos I would get in big trouble with my strict parents. Even Lynn gets slapped when she cusses in front of mom.

Now I’m really scared. I wonder what the haunted doll might do to me one day. I want her away from me. I thought about returning her to the carnival but unfortunately, it has left town. I also thought about throwing her in the garbage, but I’m afraid she might come back just like that other doll I read about on Nosleep a while back.

For now she's still sitting on my pillow. I don't dare move her. Some people say I should burn her, but others say that's not a good idea, so I'm really confused. So far nothing scary has happened again, though. But with a haunted doll you just never know, and I'm still scared.

If you have any suggestions please tell me in the comment. Please don’t send me PM's cos I won’t read them since this is Lynn’s account.

Are you brave enough to own a haunted doll?


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